Please see below an idea of our items and the prices to expect for them. Be aware, this will not include any additional finishing costs which may be applicable if it is not standard for the item.
If there is something you would like to order, or have any questions on the price, please use our contact form and we will answer any questions you may have!
This is only a small selection more will be added in the future so don’t forget to keep coming back to this page to check for updates!

Hardwood Garden Obelisk – between 5ft and 6ft tall – perfect for all your climbing plants and much needed plant support!

(large Oak Barrel table listed below)
Oak Barrel Bar stools – 16inch width (Height To Preference) £109
Oak Barrel Chinese Bench – 35 inch width £109

Large Oak Barrel Coffee Table with removable lid for storage – great for inside or out – £414

Half Barrel coffee table £139 each
Great inside or out!
(perfect to match with our Fold Away Oak Barrel Chairs see below..)

Fold Away Oak Barrel Chairs – £109 each

XL Oak Topped Barrel table – Perfect for a man cave! – £642
Approximate measurements –
1350mm-1450mm in length
850mm width and 850mm height
A good match for our Oak Barrel Bar Stool range above

Oak Barrel Chopping Boards –
Xl board – £55
Large board – £50
Medium board – £45
Small board – £35
Full set of four sizes – £165

Interlocking Handcrafted charcuterie boards – come apart to make two perfect for sharing when hosting meals! – £60 the pair

Long Oak Barrel table Runner/Full Size Cheese And Wine Boards
(two shown in the image for size)

Chefs Board crafted from Jarrah wood (this is an extremely hard timber) – perfect for chef knives!

Kindlin Oak Storage Barrels – £188

Coal Oak Storage Barrel with lid – £188

Oak Barrel Dog/Cat Bed (big enough for a medium dog) – pillow not included)
Price with three legs
(as shown)- £95
Price for ground sitting bed – £80

Oak Barrel Extra Large Dog Bed – (Big enough for XL Size Dog)

Oak Barrel Log Store

Wall Mounted Wine Shelf –

Fold Away Oak Barrel Chairs – come apart to fold flat ideal for minimal storage –
£120 each

Bespoke sleeperwood planters
approx. sizing options –
12” – £77
15” – £82
2 foot – £92
3 foot – £99